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Uniswapper is a contract that facilitates swaps on Uniswap V4 pools. It implements the IUnlockCallback interface to interact with the Uniswap V4 pool manager. It's only used during testing and for testnet deployments that don't have the official Uniswap v4 router available.


constructor(IPoolManager poolManager_)

Initializes the contract with the given pool manager address.


poolManager_IPoolManagerThe address of the pool manager



function swap(
PoolKey memory key,
IPoolManager.SwapParams memory params,
uint256 maxInput,
uint256 minOutput
) external payable

Initiates a swap operation on a Uniswap V4 pool.


keyPoolKeyThe key identifying the pool
paramsIPoolManager.SwapParamsThe parameters for the swap
maxInputuint256The maximum input amount allowed for the swap
minOutputuint256The minimum output amount required for the swap


function unlockCallback(bytes calldata data) external override returns (bytes memory)

Callback function called by the pool manager during the unlock process. It executes the swap and settles the currencies.


databytesEncoded data containing swap details and limits


bytesEmpty bytes (required by interface)


The Uniswapper contract provides a simple interface for users to execute swaps on Uniswap V4 pools. Here's how it works:

  1. Users call the swap function with the desired pool key, swap parameters, and slippage protection limits (maxInput and minOutput).
  2. The contract initiates the unlock process with the pool manager.
  3. In the unlockCallback, the contract:
    • Executes the swap
    • Checks if the swap results are within the specified limits
    • Settles the currency transfers between the user and the pool manager
  4. If the swap is successful and within limits, the currencies are transferred accordingly.

This contract ensures that swaps are executed safely within the specified limits and handles the complex interaction with the Uniswap V4 pool manager, including the lock/unlock mechanism and currency settlements.