BunniQuoter is a contract that provides quote functions for swaps, deposits, and withdrawals in the Bunni v2. It allows users to simulate these operations and get expected results without actually executing the transactions.
function quoteSwap(
PoolKey memory key,
IPoolManager.SwapParams memory params
) external view returns (
bool success,
uint160 updatedSqrtPriceX96,
int24 updatedTick,
uint256 inputAmount,
uint256 outputAmount,
uint24 swapFee,
uint256 totalLiquidity
Simulates a swap operation and returns the expected results.
Name | Type | Description |
key | struct PoolKey | The pool key |
params | IPoolManager.SwapParams | The swap parameters |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
success | bool | Whether the swap simulation was successful |
updatedSqrtPriceX96 | uint160 | The updated square root price after the simulated swap |
updatedTick | int24 | The updated tick after the simulated swap |
inputAmount | uint256 | The amount of input token for the swap |
outputAmount | uint256 | The amount of output token from the swap |
swapFee | uint24 | The swap fee applied |
totalLiquidity | uint256 | The total liquidity in the pool after the simulated swap |
function quoteDeposit(
IBunniHub.DepositParams calldata params
) external view returns (
uint256 shares,
uint256 amount0,
uint256 amount1
Simulates a deposit operation and returns the expected results.
Name | Type | Description |
params | IBunniHub.DepositParams | The deposit parameters |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
shares | uint256 | The expected number of shares to be minted |
amount0 | uint256 | The expected amount of token0 to be deposited |
amount1 | uint256 | The expected amount of token1 to be deposited |
function quoteWithdraw(
IBunniHub.WithdrawParams calldata params
) external view returns (
uint256 amount0,
uint256 amount1
Simulates a withdrawal operation and returns the expected results.
Name | Type | Description |
params | IBunniHub.WithdrawParams | The withdraw parameters |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
amount0 | uint256 | The expected amount of token0 to be withdrawn |
amount1 | uint256 | The expected amount of token1 to be withdrawn |